Brains need energy to work, and they get much of their fuel from glucose in the body.
Scientific Details
- Neuridan™ is a ketogenic glyceryl 3-hydroxybutyrate ester (in other words, ketone bodies with a glycerin backbone). When ingested, Neuridan™ safely delivers highly purified ketones for brain nutrition without involving the liver.
- Boosting ketones is known to provide more energy to the brain. Neuridan™ delivers ketones that the brain can use for energy when normal glucose-based nutrition is insufficient or compromised – such as in Alzheimer’s Disease – and in a way that has been shown to be safe and effective.
- In fact, Neuridan™ has been determined as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) for nutritional management of patients with a range of neuro degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s Disease, and those suffering from non-penetrative traumatic brain injuries.
- Unlike other methods for boosting ketones in the body, Neuridan™ is easy to consume, tolerate and manage. Neuridan™ can be added to other foods and beverages for convenience and flexibility.
Maintaining Health & Wellness
Conventional or Fortified Foods & Beverages
Everyday foods like yogurts, juice, cereals for consumers. May have additional nutrient fortification.
Dietary Supplements
Intended to supplement a normal diet with ingredient(s) intended to maintain health in a healthy population.
Foods for Special Dietary Use
Formulated to satisfy specific dietary needs due to physical, physiological, pathological or other health conditions.
Medical Foods
Specially formulated foods/beverages intended for the management of a disease or condition under physician supervision.
NeuroEnergy Focus
Prescription Drugs
Medications prescribed by a physician to treat or prevent a specific condition or disease.
What is Medical Food?
- Medical foods are specially formulated and processed products for the dietary management of patients who, because of therapeutic or chronic medical needs, have limited or impaired capacity to absorb or metabolize ordinary foods or certain nutrients, or who have other special medically-determined nutrient requirements that cannot be managed by dietary modification alone.
- Medical foods provide nutritional support specifically modified for the management of unique nutrient needs resulting from a specific disease or condition as determined by medical evaluation. They are intended to be used under medical supervision.
- Medical foods can be especially valuable for people with neurological conditions that prevent or limit glucose-based energy intake. As a medical food, Neuridan™ is an innovative source of vital brain nutrition for those people unable to provide energy to the brain given an increased demand.
What are Foods for Special Dietary Use?
- Foods for Special Dietary Use address a special dietary need that exists due to physical, physiological, pathological, or other disease conditions.
- Foods for Special Dietary Use supply a vitamin, mineral or other ingredient to supplement patients’ diets by increasing the total dietary intake, fulfilling a special dietary need.1
What are Ketones?
- Ketones are naturally produced in the liver by the breakdown of fatty acids. However, given the brain’s increased need for energy, there is a gap that the normal diet cannot satisfy.
- At higher levels, ketones can and do serve as the body’s backup energy source. The Keto diet and supplement products are options but not as effective at increasing ketones, as they may have undesirable side effects or significant compliance issues. That’s why Neuridan™ is designed to supply higher levels of endogenous ketones in a safe and easily manageable way.
- Ketones can serve as an alternate pathway to feed the brain. They pass through the blood-brain barrier to bring added nutrition to people who have difficulty with processing and absorbing sufficient energy from glucose, such as people with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s Disease.
Neuridan™ is a ketogenic glyceryl 3-hydroxybutyrate ester
The medical community has long recognized that a healthy brain relies on glucose for energy.
In patients with neuro-degenerative impairments such as mild cognitive impairment, certain dementias, and Alzheimer’s Disease, along with those suffering from traumatic brain injuries and neuronal transient ischemic attacks, it has been established that glucose utilization by the brain is severely compromised – and can prevent or impede recovery.
But the level of ketone bodies produced naturally is insufficient when the brain needs higher levels of supplemental energy. NEV’s innovative products are designed to safely administer high levels of ketone bodies, providing energy to the brain, accelerating recovery and supporting cognition.
Normal Aging Only slight cognition changes
Potential Applications Beyond Neuro-Degenerative Diseases
We are exploring additional applications for this innovative approach to brain nutrition.
- Food For Special Dietary Use are supplying a special dietary need that exists by reason of a physical, physiological, pathological, or other condition, including but not limited to the condition of disease, convalescence, pregnancy, lactation, infancy, allergic hypersensitivity to food, weight irregulatories, or the need to control the intake of sodium.